Prostitute Turns Preacher

Diana Mendiola was known for being a prostitute and drug transporter in Colombia until she had an encounter with God and decided to leave her tumultuous life behind. Now she is a church planter, singer, author, evangelist and pastor of Christian Temple Church El Refugio in Capitol Heights, MD. For the past 19 years, Mendiola has dedicated her life to helping serve prostitutes, drug addicts and AIDS patients who yearn to change their lives much like she did.

"Since my encounter with God, I felt a call to help lost souls, I wanted people out in the street to know the great news that yes, they could get out of their condition and that's how our ministry began in 1995," writes Mendiola on her.

Prior to changing her lifestyle and beginning her ministry, Mendiola's journey was one of hardships and all-time life lows.

"I lived a sad, poor and difficult life that led me to become a prostitute and transport drugs but I grew tired of that life and I was looking for an outlet. Once I found that outlet, I struggled with going back to my old life but found strength knowing that Christ was going to help me and he did," said Mendiola

Jesus Christ can transform anyone into a better person!!!

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