We Are At War

We Are At War

We hear a lot of talk today about a war on terrorism. We hear about a war called jihad, a war in Palestine, threats of war from North Korea. Never in history has there been such a time of war throughout the earth. And these conflicts are widely publicized, because of the instant communication we have now. Almost immediately, we receive reports of bombings, ambushes, death tolls.

I’m convinced these are the wars and rumors of wars Jesus spoke about. And just as Christ prophesied, people’s hearts are failing them for fear. The wars we’re seeing are causing terror throughout the earth.

Yet these wars are all minor skirmishes. They’re merely symptoms of a much greater war. You see, there’s actually just one war going on. And this war-above-all-wars is taking place in heaven. It’s a war between God and the devil.

This war was declared eons ago. Revelation tells us, “Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels” (12:7). The dragon represents Satan and all the fallen angels he deceived. While in heaven, Lucifer rallied these angelic hordes to rise up against God. He wanted to usurp God’s authority and take over his throne.

But the devil lost that first battle. “[The dragon] prevailed not: neither was their place found any more in heaven” (12:8). God told Satan,“There is no place for you here in my presence.” And he cast him out of heaven, along with the angels who had rebelled with him. They were plunged into a world the Bible says was void and without form.

Now, Satan had already deceived those angels who followed him. And when God created humankind, Satan determined to deceive them, too. If he couldn’t be God, he would get revenge by destroying God’s seed. So he started this war in the Garden of Eden, against the very first man and woman.

Satan tempted Eve first and then Adam. And when he caused their fall, it seemed he’d won a great victory. Paradise was now closed off to man. Satan and his hordes must have gloated over that victory. And the battle they’d waged was a declaration of war against God and all his seed.

There is still a war going on in heaven. Yet Satan doesn’t fight this war from heaven, nor does he wage it from hell. No, Satan fell into the formless void, out of which God created the earth. And once God created man to inhabit the earth, Satan set up his seat of power there.

Scripture makes all of this very clear: “Neither was their place found any more in heaven” (12:8). “The dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth” (12:13). “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath” (12:12).

We are at war now with the devil and his demons and we should find courage in knowing He who is in us is greater than the devil.The world talk of missiles and nuclear bonds but in our fight against the devil our weapons are not canal yet they are might to pull down strongholds.

We are at war and victory is ours as our Lord Jesus is might in battle!!!

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