So, There Is A Top Official Who Wants Pastors To Preach In Nightclubs!

Nightclubs have become an integral part of modern culture, and they attract a good number of enthusiasts. 

The phenomenon has developed into an irreplaceable segment of the entertainment industry.

Several psychological reasons lie behind the mass appeal of nightclubs and the power behind their pull is as old as society itself.

One basic reason people flock nightclubs is the appreciation of dance culture. Humans have an instinctive enjoyment of dance and many societies incorporate dance as a large aspect of entertainment, socialization and progression. Nightclubs provide this.

They are also spaces that allow people to express themselves in various ways possible. When a person goes on a night out, it is highly likely that they will dress up and make sure that they look their best.

Other mundane studies have also shown that some people view nocturnal clubbing as a form of escapism from everyday life. A nightclub is a place where temporary communities are formed where people can act out fantasies, pretend to be someone they are not and for a certain period of time essentially escape their everyday lives.
So, There Is A Top Official Who Wants Pastors To Preach In Nightclubs!
Celebrating and partying with friends is also a very powerful cause of enjoyment and why people go to nightclubs.

There is also a similar explanation behind why music is so important in popular clubs and another reason why people go to nightclubs. As good music leads to increased dancing which promotes both oxytocin release and lekking behavior. This is a catch for many people who have a love for music, dancing and mostly being around people.

A large number of young and middle-aged people across the world throngs nightclub on separate nights for one or more reasons stated above, and for that reason, reports have emerged that there is a top Tanzanian official who instructed nightclub owners in the capital, Dar es Salaam to allocate 30 minutes to Church leaders interested in frequently conducting preaching sessions at their venues.

Paul Makonda, Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, said clerics would preach in night clubs in the capital, and he doesn’t necessarily expect any objection from the owners of these Sybaritic places, according to the EastAfrican Newspaper.

Makanda reportedly made these remarks during his visit to Kawe in Dar es Salaam, where he attended the Sunday service at a worship center owned by Apostle Boniface Mwamposa.

The Commissioner, who also is a frequent nightclub grockle, said his regular visits of night clubs revealed that Tanzanians have been having a lot of fun without observing the existence of God. That didn’t quite sit well with him.

“Servants of God who want to preach in night clubs are allowed to do so, at least for half an hour to take the word of God to the citizens. They shouldn’t say they were unaware; follow them there. I don’t expect any objection. Effective from next week, you are allowed to preach for at least 30 minutes in nightclubs,” he said.

We have not confirmed with our Tanzanian correspondence to find out how this has been going, but one thing we can confirm is that tongues have been wagging after his suggestion.

Many conventional Christians are wondering where the idea even came from.

Well, we would love to believe that the idea came from a well-intentioned heart. Perhaps God is placing desires in the hearts of His people—desires to transform the lives of the unsaved through yet another transformation, that of a traditional club.

And yet here we might have come up with a tried and tested idea that the good commissioner can implement, one that is fast taking over and is actually advocated by many: building Christian Nightclubs in Tanzania.

To the unversed, Christian Nightclubs are for those who want the secular nightclub scene, but without the drinking and solicitations for sex and offers a fun atmosphere where believers and nonbelievers can have a good time. They are springing up all across the world.

The phenomenon, although it might appear to be news in this side of the hemisphere now, goes over three decades ago.

One of the popular Christian Nightclub to be documented is Club 3 Degrees, a branch under 3 Degrees Ministries which was founded in 1989. The club which is located in Minnesota, US is believed to be the largest Christian nightclub in the world and has hosted prominent artists in the Christian music industry, such as Project 86, Family Force 5, Children 18:3, Kirk Franklin, Head, Lecrae, and among others.

After Club 3’s establishment, prototypical clubs started springing forth for the better part of the millennia. There arose The Saintuary, Club for Jesus, Christian’s Delight, and now there are just so much of them across the world.

In an interview with the Christian Post, Club for Jesus owner Yolanda Darby said she was inspired to open the club when she discovered the need for an alternative place to go dance or party without drinking and picked up.

“Traditional churches end up stifling people. Ninety-nine percent of church people are the ones who patronize secular clubs. We feel that the churches, somewhat, in some cases, are putting people back in slavery,” she was quoted by the outlet, adding on that salvation is not slavery, rather it’s freedom with boundaries.

Bryan Garland, a youth leader also shared the same sentiments when he said:

“The church is supposed to be for sinners needing salvation, not for sinners who are claiming they are saved and denying salvation…Club for Jesus is God’s ram in a bush, a ransom for the souls of sinners.”

A very progressive Christian in nature, he also revealed that the word “club” is actually an acronym for “Christ loves unbelievers and believers.

Regardless, there are some prominent voices that have not come in sync with this new phenomenon. Among other queries, they question why nightclubs when the church already has a nightclub called ‘All Night Service’ where believers sing, pray and fellowship.

Others condone clubs, however urging the club goers to guard themselves as this might give the devil a leeway to adulterate our way of worship.

Some argue that they are not against them, nay, they are just not enthused about the ‘nightclub’ tag which they are convinced develop a queasiness for something that mirrors the world.

“If ‘nightclub’ was changed to say ‘Christian social center’ would people feel better about it?” one Teresa Frick Sorensen quizzed.

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